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I read a great little book this week. It wasn't exactly a book that is "hot of the press"! "How To Make Your Church Hum" was written in 1977, and it came into my possession the same way most of my books do...via a used bookstore. A few years ago I saw this book for sale, and it's title caught my attention. It was written by a Southern Baptist pastor named Paul Powell. The book is short (just 92 pages) and very readable, and it includes lots of great advice. You can see the simplicity of his writing style as well as the direction of the book by simply scanning the chapter titles:
1. Major on the Basics
2. Pray Much
3. Build Spirit
4. Wake Up The Worship
5. Preach the Word
6. Give Dynamic Leadership
7. Plan Ahead
8. Work Hard
9. Involve The People
10. Major On Outreach
11. Minister To People
12. Shape Up The Plant
13. Advertise Well
14. Cut Excess Meetings
15. Develop Good Stewards
All of the chapters were good, but there were several chapters that really stood out to me because of a great illustration or profound quote. Here are three of my favorites chapters and why I like them: