Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Such As I Have Give I Unto Thee

During the month of January, I am teaching a series in Sunday School on "How To Lead Others To Christ." I'm thankful that on the whole, our church members are unashamed to identify with Christ. They are constantly requesting Gospel tracts to hand out, consistently bringing friends, family, and neighbors to church, and continually taking flak for their faith in Jesus Christ. However, when it comes to Christians being able to personally lead a soul to Christ, we need to grow. We have some who are very competent in that area, but not enough. 

Two Sundays ago, after I preached from Acts 8 about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, a good number of our people raised their hand in the invitation to express the following decision: "I have never personally led someone to Christ, but with God's help, I want to establish a goal this year to both learn how to lead a soul to Christ and actually lead someone to Christ." I would like to ask my blog readers who pray for our ministry to make this issue a matter of prayer in 2013. 

Interestingly, just a few days after preaching this message, I was reading a devotional by Charles Spurgeon and I came across this:

We should not desire to be known by others for our virtue or for our zeal. But at the same time, it is a sin to always try to hide that which God has bestowed upon us for the good of others. A Christian is not to be a village in a valley, but a city set upon a hill. He is not to be a candle under a bushel, but a candle in a candlestick, giving light to all. (Matthew 5:14-15) Retirement may be lovely in its season, and to hide one's self is modest, but the hiding of Christ in us can never be justified. The keeping back of truth which is precious to us is a sin against others and an offense against God. If you are of a nervous temperament and retiring disposition, take care that you do not indulge in this trembling tendency too much, lest you become useless to the Church. In the name of Him who was not ashamed of you, decide to ignore your feelings. Tell others what Christ has told you. If you cannot speak with the sound of a trumpet, use the still, small voice. If the pulpit is not your platform, if the press does not carry your words, say with Peter and John, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I unto thee." (Acts 3:6) Talk to the Samaritan woman by the well if you cannot preach a sermon on the mountaintop. Utter the praises of Jesus in the house, if not in the temple; in the field, if not in the city; in your own household, if you cannot speak in the middle of the great family of man. From the hidden springs within let sweetly flowing streams of testimony flow forth, giving drink to every passer-by. Do not hide your talent. To speak for God will be refreshing to ourselves, cheering to saints, useful to sinners, and honoring to the Savior.

I sure love the way he puts things! We may not have the largest audience, the widest influence, the deepest well-spring of Bible knowledge, or the smoothest delivery style, but we can all speak a word on God's behalf. As Peter and John said, "Such as I have give I unto thee." God does not hold us accountable for that which we do not have, but rather for that which we have. If Christ has done anything for you...if He has forgiven your sins and saved your soul...if He has answered a prayer or lifted a burden...if He is real to you today, then you have something helpful and heavenly to give to others. May each of us speak of Christ often in this new year and earnestly seek to lead souls to Christ!


  1. Thanks for the challenge!
    I'll pray for your church to grow in this area.

  2. Stephen,
    I am sad to admit that I have never led anyone to Christ. But, I would like to establish the same goal that some of your church members have established. I have 5 children of my own and 5 step-children from 34 all the way down to 15 and, if Christ were to come back today, sadly, not a single one of my children nor my husband would be joining me as I entered Heaven. I raised all 5 of my children in Christian churches but each of them has turned away from what they learned as children. Since my husband's parents never went to church, neither did my husband so, obviously, he never took his children to church. He is one of those scientific people who only believes in facts that he can see and considers the Bible a pretty decent history book written from the view point of a lot of different men and nothing more. My 15 year old step-daughter's best friend is a Christian with a strong faith and invited my daughter to her church youth group over a year ago. My daughter began going just to spend more time with her friend but, eventually, really began enjoying and looking forward to going so she is hearing God's word on a regular basis. She is an incredibly intelligent young lady and it is my hope that if she, someday, gave her heart to Jesus she would be a strong witness to her father/my husband and to her siblings. Is there a way that you can share your lessons with me? I would so much love to know how to feel confident enough about the Bible to witness to others, especially my family. I desire to lead, at least, one person to God this year.

    1. Thank you for reading this article and commenting. Your comment both saddened and encouraged me at the same time. I am sorry to hear about the difficulty in reaching your loved ones with the Gospel. But I was thrilled to hear that the goal that some of our church members have set to learn how to lead a soul to Christ has inspired you to set the same goal! I would advise letting your pastor know about what God is doing in your heart regarding your burden for the lost. I know your pastor well and admire him greatly. He will be able to give you the teaching, the training, the tools, and the encouragement that you need.

      Regarding sharing my lessons, I am always happy to share anything that would help someone in their Christian life. I will likely be running a series on my blog based upon the Sunday School lessons I have been preparing for our church. But since they are originally prepared in Cambodian (and most of my blog audience doesn't speak Cambodian), I have to get them into English first. So no promises as to when I'll get that series going:)

      I will pray with you that God will help you learn how to lead others to Him! God bless you.
